5. Learn the proper way to stack the dishwasher.
Do you stack the dishes facing towards the middle? Well, you should, it’s the “proper” way and it stops the sounds of plates crashing whilst the dishwasher is on.

6. Cold water, not hot, is the trick.
After cooking, try using cold water to remove the mess instead of hot water. If you still have a lot of food attached to the plate then hot water tends to make more of a mess.

7. Rack em’ up.
If you run out of dish rack space, then just take your racks out of the oven and use them. Boom.

8. Clean whilst you cook. It’s hard, we know.
We know, we know, this sounds awful. However, you will save oodles of time if you clean whilst you cook. It also means that you are not faced with a giant mountain of dirty pots and pans after your delicious meal.