5. Depp keeps his Captain Jack Sparrow costume with him almost everywhere he goes
He loves slipping it on and surprising children at local hospitals, staying in character for hours on end.

UPDATE: ‘Pirates of the Caribbean 6’ Could Become Reality. Watch Below
6. He has loads of tattoos
He’s even had to get some altered – for example, he had his ex’s name, ‘Winona Ryder’, and had to change it to ‘Wino Forever’ when things went downhill!

7. A little girl once wrote him a letter asking for help on organizing a mutiny against her teacher
He showed up to her school, in full Pirate costume, convincing the class to re-think their scheme.

8. He vandalized his own billboard
And the security let him do it! He didn’t like the picture of his 21 Jump Street character, or the message the billboard gave.