Above this old cash register was a bizarre portrait of Jackson as an alien overlord. Could he have been trying to tell us something? If nothing else, he probably just thought that it was an amusing image.

There’s something especially eerie about all of these abandoned bumper cars, especially at night. One can only wonder how often Jackson liked to invite his guests to join him in his own little amusement park ride. If only that was the weirdest residing there…

There were even more statues of children. Each one of these structures was so realistic and highly detailed that it was almost unsettling, all things considered. They definitely were approaching the “uncanny valley” territory.

Is this the weirdest place on Earth? That depends on how you look at it, and what your feelings are about Michael Jackson himself. Regardless of how you feel about this enigmatic figure, though, there’s no overstating how interesting his Neverland Ranch remains!

Something about the history of the ranch, combined with all the creepy statues, gives Neverland an extra unsettling vibe. This is certainly fascinating for anyone who has ever grown up listening to Michael Jackson’s music and followed his career!
Credits: Boredomtherapy.com
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