Nothing stays the same forever. Whether is cars, buildings, money, our beloved teddy bears, and even us. As we get older, and as time goes the past, things change. As we become older, our face changes. It wrinkles, the damage we’ve exposed it to over the years starts to show itself.
Time eventually wears everything out. Sometimes it takes weeks or months, it can take years or decades, but eventually, everything begins to crumble after a little while. Don’t believe me? Then check out this fascinating list.
We’ve put together some of the best examples of how the world and everything in it change over time. These photos are truly incredible and unbelievable, but I assure you these photos are real.
1. This is the sun damage of a man who has been driving a delivery truck for 28 years.

2. Footprints carved into the floorboards by a monk who has prayed on the same spot for 20 years!

3. The marble floor of this bank has been worn down from years of people standing

4. A Nicely Worn Staircase Into The Stone Wall Above A Creek

5. This lamppost focuses the sun and scorches a line in the grass.