Purchasing the photos. The man who bought the photos, Tony Michaels, was a neighbor and friend of Hull, and he claims to know some extra details pertaining to the baby bump. He claims that Hull was very adamant about keeping the photos a secret, and that she insists that Marilyn was, without a doubt, pregnant.

Before death. Had Hull sold the photos prior to her death, she could have easily made a living off of them, but she refused to. In fact, Michaels tried convincing her to do so, but she stood her ground. She considered Marilyn to be a good friend, she never felt right to make them public, at least not when she was alive and not for profit.
Taking the photos. The photos were taken in New York just outside Fox Studios. Marilyn was preparing to shoot “The Misfits,” a film that would also star Clark Gable and Montgomery Clift. The shoot took place on July 8, 1960, and the film was released on February 1, 1961. It was her last film.

credits: rebelcircus
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