It was never resolved. When you’re young and you don’t know, you take things at face value. I believed her mother,” said Al, who believed Linda all those years ago when she told him he wasn’t the father.
On April 24, Al took a paternity test, which came back with a 99.9966 probability that he was Jyll’s father. “I’ve never experienced a happier person in my life,” Jyll said. “He was so excited. He was like, ‘I’m a brand-new father!’” Recently, the two met for the first time and already have plans to spend Christmas together. “I’m never going to let you go, ever,” Al told Jyll. “This is my beautiful daughter.”

“It’s really wild that you didn’t raise somebody but yet they’re very much like you,” Al added. “She’s just a really sweet, caring woman. This just the beginning. I’ll never let her out of my life, ever.”
Watch the entire video below to see the emotional moment this woman meets her father for the first time.
Credits: lifedaily.com
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