9. Baseball Sleeve T-Shirts

Before the ’70s I think pretty much only baseball players wore these, but soon they became popular with athletes and non-athletes alike. Initially, you saw them worn as plain t-shirts, but they eventually became popular with a Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, or another band logo on them. They hung around a lot longer than most ’70s fashion, though.
10. Chukka Boots

Apparently, these were designed by the British Army as desert boots for soldiers fighting in World War II. With a slight design modification, these were sometimes called Wallabees in the civilian world (see picture), and these comfortable shoes were worn by both men and women, and by the 1970s, they were made of suede and often had crepe soles. Like all suede though, once they got wet, they weren’t the same, especially if your elephant-leg bell bottom jeans were retaining a gallon of water and drenching your feet. Oddly enough, these have become popular once again, though they are often listed as desert boots. They have a lot more options than suede now, and in fact, many are made of plain leather these days. Maybe it says something about the quality of fashion that a good product will still be around long after its trendiness has worn off. You can’t say that about most of the items above!
Obviously, I’ve only talked about a select few items here, and perhaps some time I’ll write about my next 10, including platform shoes, colored Levis cords, and Ban-Lon shirts. Until then!
Credits: rebeatmag.com
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