9. 1970
She continued to live in Park House with her father until she left for boarding school in the fall of 1970.

10. 1970
Described as a “shy and quiet” child, Diana allegedly told her father upon their separation, “If you love me, you won’t leave me here,” according to the new book Remembering Diana.

11. 1971
As a student, Diana particularly excelled at piano and ballet, and received a special award for community service, the Royal Household website states.

12. 1974
The teen (with some very ’70s denim!) kept a pet pony named “Scuffle.” By 1975, she would become Lady Diana Spencer after her father inherited the title of Earl Spencer.

13. 1978
Right around the time she attended a Swiss finishing school, Diana served as a bridesmaid at her sister Lady Jane Spencer’s London wedding. At this point she had already met Prince Charles — when he was dating her other sister, Lady Sarah.

14. 1980
In 1980, the heir apparent started taking a serious interest in the 19-year-old as a potential bride. Diana was living in London at this point, intermittently working as a dance instructor, nanny and nursery assistant. Here she is at her job with Young England Kindergarten school in Pimlico.

15. 1980
The press caught wind of their budding relationship by the fall of that year. When this picture was taken in September, “Shy Di” had allegedly “gently reversed her car into a tree, whilst trying to drive and shield her face from the photographer at the same time.”

16. 1980
By November, Diana received an invitation to the Queen’s own house at Sandringham, sparking further engagement rumors. Here she is leaving her London apartment the week before.