The Movie Was Based On ‘Animal House’

Animal House was an extremely successful film. So successful, in fact, that Hollywood wanted a repeat number. Doug Kenney and Harold Ramis originally pitched the idea for the film as “Animal House on the golf course” to get the studio’s attention. It worked!
Chevy Improvised His “Na-na-na-na” Sound

In his putting scene, Chevy Chase was advised by the director to make a “zen” noise when putting. Thus, the infamous “na-na-na-na” sound was born, and people have been quoting it ever since.
When Hurricane David Stopped The Production, the Crew Partied DOWN.

When Hurricane David swept through Florida, it put filming for Caddyshack on hold. The crew didn’t mind. Instead of filming, they decided to make the best of things and have a huge party in their hotel next to the golf course.
Bill Murray Opened A Caddyshack Restaurant

The Murray brothers— all six of them— liked the film so much that they opened a Caddyshack-themed restaurant in St. Augustine, Florida in 2001. The restaurant’s still there today!
The Original Script Was 250 Pages Long

That’s twice as long as most average screenplays! Director Harold Ramis and producer Jon Peters had to cut the script down a lot before the studio agreed to start filming.
Even though the film is based in Illinois, where was it shot? Click “Next” to find out.