If you want to get a picture of the life and times of a teenager, there’s no better source than the yearbook. Thumbing through the pages of these old tomes, one really gets transported back. It’s also interesting to note the changes in styles, and many things would be considered unacceptable and politically incorrect by today’s standards.
The school is Woodlawn H.S.; it’s your typical American high school. I won’t specify the city or state, but it really doesn’t matter – a look at Woodlawn is a look at basically every high school across the country.
So, here are some images from their Class of ’71, ’72 and ’73 yearbooks. Enjoy.

“As students arrive at school each morning, they look forward to another day at Woodlawn.”
Let’s face it, most of these kids weren’t clicking their heels together with joy at the prospect of starting another day of school. Yearbooks always viewed school life with rose-colored glasses – as they should. A truly realistic yearbook might be a tad depressing.

“Students pause for prayer at each pep rally at WHS.” – Well that’s a strict no-no these days at public schools.

A look at the school’s parking lot in 1971. A sight to behold for car lovers.

“…Woodlawn’s rifle team practice for another year of competition”
I’m not sure this would fly today. Maybe some schools still have a rifle team, but I think legal liabilities and public scorn have done away with most.

Yikes! Shouldn’t somebody be wearing some protective eye-wear? Oh, yeah I forgot – it’s the early seventies.