16. Every year we took an annual hearing exam with these famous appliances:

Can you imagine using this with an iPhone today? I can only imagine the looks I’d get…
17. Every time you got a good grade you would receive one of those awesome scratch-and-sniff stickers on your assignment.

I can still smell the strawberry smell of the “Berry Good” sticker… Oh, the smell of satisfaction…
18. The joys (and struggles) of watching film strips on one of these:

Whenever the teacher put up a film on one of these, this meant that it would soon be naptime for most of us.
19. The amount of sheer excitement that built up inside whenever your teacher handed out those Scholastic and Troll book order forms.

The funny part is, we were never looking at the books- we were too occupied with the toys on the back of the catalog.
20. Getting home at the end of a long school day.

Shoes off, get a snack and rush upstairs to your bedroom to listen to the newest Metallica record.
Did we miss anything? Tell us in the comments section below.
Source: (Buzzfeed)