16. The Spin Magazine playlist
You could call up this number and pay to listen over the phone to a playlist of the music reviewed in that month’s issue.

17. The Winston Cup Hotline
I hear that NASCAR is exciting, but you’d never know by listening to Dale Earnhardt’s awkward, stilted endorsement for this Winston Cup hotline. Callers could dial in to hear post-race stories directly from the drivers who, by Earnhardt’s own admission, are tired. Wow, this guy can really sell it.
18. Santa’s Hip Hop Holiday
It’s another Santa number, but this time even weirder, as now Santa will rap to you for some reason. And, while you may have mixed feelings about Santa Claus advertising directly to impressionable children, I think we can all agree that rhyming the words “listen” and “permission” is inexcusable under any circumstance. For shame, Santa. This time Santa’s rapping.