9. There Are Clear Signs Of Jerusalem’s Destruction

The archeologists found evidence of the destruction itself. They found pieces of charcoal, possibly from structures burned down by the Babylonians. They were dated to the same times as the artifacts.
10. The Find Hits It Target, Thousands Of Years Later

There are more violent discoveries at the dig that add to the existing evidence. They found Babylonian arrowheads dating from around the same time. This brings even stronger proof that the burning of Jerusalem was a historical event as well as a biblical one.
11. Signs Of A Growing City

During the excavation, they found that the ancient city was much larger than they thought it was. They also found this small ivory statue of a woman with an Egyptian hairstyle. Both were signs of a growing, thriving city with wealthy people.
12. The City Of David Re-Discovered

The City of David was exposed to the modern world about 60 years ago. This was the work of Kathleen Kenyon, a British archeologist. She exposed the city walls of Jerusalem from 700 B.C.