10. Navy WAVE (United States Naval Women’s Reserve) Betty M. Chaffee serves as a stewardess on a Navy Transport Squadron flight crew in 1951. She brings coffee to the pilots of the transcontinental flight, Lieutenant Junior Grade L.K. Shay (left) and Lieutenant Junior Grade J.R. Keegan (right).
11. Flight attendants take a break at Schipol Airport in Amsterdam in 1962.
12. Passengers use a typewriter and read on a 1965 Northwest Airlines flight, as a flight attendant works in the background
13. Austrian Airlines flight attendants pose in front of a Douglas DC-9s at Vienna International Airport.

14. A flight attendant and two pilots pose outside of an aircraft. The image comes from an album belonging to Charles rector, a pilot who worked in Hollywood and flew for Mick Jagger.
15. A Royal Dutch Airlines purser welcomes a passenger and points out her seat.

16. Dutch flight attendants disembark in Istanbul in 1959.

17. Air Micronesia stewardesses pose with a pilot.