6. Theaters In Mexico Passed Out Wipes.
Monterrey, Mexico gave a pack with tissues for women who booked for shows with a note ‘solo para Mujeres’. But possibly even men would have asked for them as the movie was totally touching.
7. Demi Cropped Her Hair Unannounced.
Demi cropped her hair into a bob without informing the director after audition. Initially Jerry felt bad but gradually he got convinced that it brought the best for the character.
8. Bruce Wills Denied To Act As Hero.
Demi’s husband Bruce was first asked to act in the role of Sam but he said that acting as ghost in the full movie wouldn’t fit him. Apparently, the unexpected amount of the audience it reached made him feel little unwise for declining the role.
9. Two Actors In Ghost Role Expired At Same Age.
Patrick deceased due to pancreatic cancer and Vincent Schiavelli died of lung cancer, strangely they both acted as a ghost and passed away when they were 57 years.
10. The Movie Took The Most Profit In That Year.
Ghost hit the top list in 1990 with a turnover of $505,702,588 from all over the world. Later Home Alone ultimately made more profit by running in theaters till the end of 1991.
If you know something that we missed write them in comments and do share these facts with everyone you know.
Source: (Rugzee) Photo Sources (Youtube, Movieclips)