25 Unbelievable Marilyn Monroe Facts That Even Her Biggest Fans Won’t Know

11. Sport

Before her life in Hollywood, she studied weightlifting and even once went tandem surfing with her then-boyfriend Tommy Zahn, during which she balanced on his shoulders.
12. Cause Of Death

Marilyn Monroe’s death was ruled a “probable suicide.” However, toxicology reports were only ever done on her liver. When the other organs were requested by the deputy coroner, he was told they’d already been destroyed. This was obviously going to prompt many theories about the star’s death.
13. Conspiracies

The public created many different conspiracy theories surround the Hollywood star’s death. One of which was that she was murdered in order to prevent her from going public about her supposed affair with President John F. Kennedy.
14. Strange Circumstances

The circumstances revolving Monroe’s death were quite sketchy, as apparently there had been no alcohol around, and some people have claimed that there was evidence of her being injected with a needle. This has not been confirmed.
15. Victoria Hamel

Ten years after Monroe died, in 1971, actress Veronica Hamel purchased her house, in which she claimed to have found multiple FBI wire traps around the property.