5. John F Kennedy: The Assassinated President

When Marilyn died, rumors floated left, right and center about her being murdered to cover up the supposed affair between her and the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy. Police have long since cleared any evidence of foul play in her death but believers will believe what they want to. And ironically, JFK was also killed, or assassinated, a little after Marilyn’s death, on November 22, 1963, aged 46.
A famous or rather infamous incident in American history, JFK was traveling in the presidential motorcade, waving to all his loving Americans, along with his wife Jacqueline Kennedy, when he was shot. One bullet entered his back and exited via his throat which is when he keeled over to Jackie and she is shown cradling him. The second one basically blew out his brains and then there is the famous shot of Jackie scrambling over the back of the car, later explained as her trying to get back a part of JFK’s skull. Jackie O’s memorable pink suit remained in the memory of Americans as she wore the same bloodstained suit for the next 24 hours be it to give a statement or for the swearing in of the President saying, “I want them to see what they have done to John…”
6. John Lennon: Killed By A Psycho Who Wanted To Be Famous
The guy who basically started The Beatles, ended them, and then carried on his very successful solo career was shot by a crazed and angered fan who loved Lennon, hated him, and then finally decided to kill him because he too wanted to be famous.
On December 8, 1980, 40-year-old Lennon and his then wife Yoko Onowere returning to their Manhattan apartment after a recording session at 10:50 PM. Just as they reached the archway of The Dakota, Lennon was shot in the back four times by Mark David Chapman. As Lennon lay bleeding and Ono screamed for help, Mark stayed there, reading Salinger’s novel The Catcher in the Rye – which he later claimed to be his statement. The photo shows Lennon signing a copy of Double Fantasyfor Chapman, and is the last picture of Lennon, taken just hours before his death and ironically with his to-be murderer. Lennon was pronounced DOA at the nearby Roosevelt Hospital at 11:00 PM.