12 Unbelievable Facts About ‘Willy Wonka’ That Will Make You Love The Movie Even More

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is based off of the Roald Dahl book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. While it seems as if the name change was unnecessary, there’s actually a specific reason for this.
The movie was financed by the Quaker Oats Company, which planned to tie in the movie to a new candy bar. The title was changed in order to support the tie-in. However, the candy bars melted too easily, even while still on the shelf, and so they were removed from the market.
Now, the Wonka Candy Company is owned by Nestle, but the movie’s title remains the same.
But the name change was probably fine with author, Dahl, who allegedly hated the movie so much he refused allow any more versions of the movie to be made while he was alive. He also refused to give up the movie rights to the sequel, Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator.
Dahl refused to watch the movie. Reportedly, he once saw 15 minutes of the movie when he was staying at a hotel, then turned it off once he realized he was watching a movie of his own book.