Garr Suffering From Memory Loss
Teri first began experiencing symptoms from the crippling disease in 1983 after the actress began to experience an odd tingling in her foot while jogging in Central Park. The pain quickly worsened and became unbearable for Teri. In 1999, Teri’s doctors finally diagnosed the actress with Multiple Sclerosis. The disease has ravaged Garr’s body and she was finally forced to retire from acting in 2007.
Today Teri is unable to walk more than a few feet while using a cane, she suffers from extreme fatigue and memory loss on occasion. It is a sad situation, and unfortunately, at this time there is no cure or known cause for the disease. However, there are numerous medications which have proven helpful in managing the disease.
Sadly, Teri Garr‘s friends are growing very concerned for the actress, fearing that Teri is giving up and may be entering her final days. Garr is credited with her first speaking role in the 1968 Monkee’s film “Head” which was directed by actor Jack Nicholson. Teri can also be spotted in a number of Elvis Presley films as a backup dancer.