Igor Travinsky

At this famous Russian composer’s official premiere of “Rite of Spring,” the audience laughed at him, making a joke out of him, ending in a nasty fight. Despite this, “Rite of Spring,” continues to inspire musicians to this day.
J.K. Rowling

Known as one of the most influential writers of all time, J.K. Rowling had a hard start to her career, living on state benefits and going through a tragic loss when all of a sudden she thought of the idea for Harry Potter. The rest is history.
Oliver Stone

This famous screenwriter was, believe it or not, a Yale dropout. Before making it with his first work Hand and Seizure, he was a salesman, a taxi driver, and a soldier.
Shirley Chisholm

Chisolm spent a good duration of her childhood in Barbados living with her grandmother because her parents could not physically raise four daughters on their own. She eventually graduated from Columbia University in 1965 and was the first African-American woman to run for President.
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