My how times have changed!!!!
Graduating in the 80s I longed for a typewriter, an answering machine and a pen. Todays kids don’t type, don’t answer phones and barely write… AND, they pay for things with their thumbs???
Remember when people would pay with these?
NOW, they actually pay with THIS (click link):
Remember when we would travel with a set of these?
NOW it’s THESE (wheels included) – (Click Link):
THEN… a notebook was this:
NOW…A Notebook is THIS (iPAD Mini) – (Click Link):
or THIS (Click link):
Remember taking a typewriting class AND having to do 60 words per minute?
THEN…A Typewriter was THIS:
NOW a Typewriter is THIS (Click Link):
Remember taking cursive and penmanship in class?
THEN…Pens were THIS:
NOW they are THIS (Click Link):
“NOTE”: You still have to know how to sign your name! And don’t forget, cursive is returning to schools!
Remember taking books out from the library with this?
This is how we read THEN:
This is Reading NOW (Click Link):
Here’s a MUST HAVE with your KINDLE (Subscription: 30 Days Free!)
Were you an organized mess? This was a desk THEN:
Papers NO MORE!! This is a desk NOW (Click Link):
Who needs a photographer? This was THEN:
This is photography NOW (Click Link):
Remember taking hearing tests in school, and wearing these? Headphones THEN:
Headphone NOW: Headphone Buying Guide (Click Link)
Remember watching TV on these?
NOW, we watch on THESE (Click Link):
Congratulations to all the graduates out there!!!
Tell us what you want for your big day…
What do you want to be when you grow up?