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Disneyland Posters And Souvenirs Of Yesteryear


As a kid, I was a big Disney fan. Actually, I still am.

I used to watch my favorite Mouseketeer’s on “The Mickey Mouse Club”. And of course, like every kid, I saw every Disney animated film and read all the books. My favorite books were the ones that came with a record. I would sit downstairs with my record player and read along. I even had one of my birthday parties at Radio City Music Hall where me and my closest friends got to see the magical “Fantasia”. Everything about Disney was magical to me.


Then that special day came along. It was summer break and my parents decided we would be taking a trip to Disneyland, the “happiest place on earth.” Oh, how excited I was. The rides and monorail and running around with my parents in tow, as my brothers and I posed in pictures with our favorite Disney characters. I remember how we would look down every hidden path in hopes of finding one we hadn’t seen. But, one of the most memorable parts of the park was the souvenirs that were sold at little kiosks throughout, and the shops brimmed with collections of memorabilia. I had to have everything! From my mouse ears, to key chains, to postcards, posters, a felt flag/banner, and books like “Tinkerbell” (my favorite) and “Peter Pan”, the amount of Disney product was astounding. And I was completely engrossed and owned a small piece of every ride and attraction at the park.

Disney Parks –

Looking back, I wish I had kept all of the souvenirs I once had. Unfortunately for me I didn’t, but fortunately some people did…


What were your favorite Disney memories? Share your comments in the comment section below.

Source: Time



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