When I was a kid, the only thing I could do with my Duncan Yo-Yo was, well, not much! I was great at getting knots in the strings and having the string get caught in the body, forcing me to eventually throw one away only to replace it with another. I loved my Yo-Yo’s. I think I was drawn to the colors. My first was the Imperial in a deep red, then Navy Blue. I went on to buy the Butterfly and I recall a two-toned one too. I had a glow-in-the-dark one and a glittery one, and of course the one that lit up brightly when it rolled down the string, something I got my treasured toys to do on a VERY rare occasion. I desperately wanted to perfect a trick or two, but that just never happened. SO, at the ripe age of 50, I just got myself a new Yo-Yo and once again, I am going to attempt to learn a trick or two…
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