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Walgreens Cashier Uses Last Of Her Money To Help Customer, Gets Generously Repaid


Everything seems to go wrong when time is precious. Fortunately, people also show unparalleled kindness in such fretful times. When real estate agent Rina Liou needed supplies for a successful deal, no stars aligned. Fortunately, Walgreens cashier Rita Burns used the last dregs of her savings – and no shortage of kindness – to help.

Liou then rushed to repay her generosity. After her September 7 post on Facebook, recounting the day’s events, went viral, the story’s been warming everyone’s hearts. Believe in humanity again with this tale of kindness and enthusiastic reciprocity.


Cashier Rita Burns turns Rina Liou’s day around


Weeks ago, real estate agent Rina Liou set out to show a house. However, she realized some lightbulbs had died. Knowing the importance of a quality tour, she hurried to Walgreens to get replacements. However, only because of the day’s importance, nothing could go right. She had gone without her wallet and her cellphone was her husband’s, not her own, so she could not do Apple Pay.

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“I could just feel the minutes ticking by as I embarrassingly stood at the cash register trying to operate Apple Pay for the first time,” she recalled on a Facebook post. Time was winding down. That’s when Rita Burns stepped in and offered to cover the cost. However, her bank account only had $20 after she finished paying her bills, so she unsure if it would be enough. With her generous offer, the day started turning around. The items were on sale, costing only $12.41. Burns covered the cost and Liou thanked her profusely online and in-person and vowed to pay her back. She did, and then some.

Showing “Gratitude for Ms. Rita” because this was not an isolated incident

Some of the comments on Nextdoor about Rita Burns / KHOU-11 video screenshot

Positively moved by this gesture, Liou shared her experience on a local social networking platform called Nextdoor. As her story spread there and on Facebook, she learned something remarkable: Rita Burns made a habit out of helping others. Others shared their stories in which Burns showed them unflinching kindness. Inspired, one individual created a GoFundme entitled “Gratitude for Ms. Rita.” On Friday evening, it raised $14,425 out of its $15,000 goal to “step up to make sure Ms. Rita has more than $20 in her account.” The page explains, “She has given us so much kindness, and we would love to show her how much she means to us.”

Liou assured she did in fact fully pay Burns back for the lightbulbs “with an additional token of appreciation.” Liou readily explained, “She saved me. I couldn’t believe that a stranger would do that for another stranger.” In the end, Liou’s final word of thanks sums it all up perfectly. She proclaimed, “I feel so happy to know that despite the pandemic, political tensions, and everything else we are going through, that humanity can still shine through.”

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