Dolly Parton has recently revealed a very interesting story about the time her mother sewed her toes back on after an accident when she was a child. What’s even more shocking is her mother used the same needle that she used to make quilts! Parton was born and raised in Tennessee and her parents were sharecroppers. Her father also hunted for food and the family would also turn to other no-cost ingredients that included rocks.
Partons recalls that when she was younger, her mother, Avie Lee Parton, would make Stone Soup with rocks that she and her brothers would collect. “We always made jokes and said we didn’t even know we were poor till some smart-aleck up and told us,” Parton tells TODAY back in 2015. “We didn’t have any money, but we were rich in things that money don’t buy. You know, like love and kindness and understanding.”
Dolly Parton’s mom sewed her toes back on after an accident when they couldn’t afford to see a doctor