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These Six Artsy Homeowners Will Inspire You To Get Creative With Your Mailbox


When decorating a house, certain parts of the owner’s personality inevitably shine through. That’s what makes a house a home, anyway. But that doesn’t have to stop within the walls of the structure, or even around the garden. That self-expression and creativity can go to the mailbox as well. Not only that, it makes otherwise ordinary drives more fun for travelers. When Christmas comes, people peruse decorative lights; during the rest of the year, houses offer a quaint view. Creative mailboxes help restore and maintain some of that old charm.

These pictures of other people’s unique mailboxes may throw some fuel on that spark of inspiration. People spared no expense and made their mailbox a statement piece. Some kept the original shape and added to it. Others gave the small box a total overhaul so it resembles something from a movie more than a postage item. Which is your favorite? Do you have a creative mailbox? Or will you be trying some of these designs for yourself?


Let your mailbox become one with nature


Blink and you might miss it. That’s no ordinary cactus; it also does a great job at holding letters for the recipient. The pin comes from It’s Nice That, on a page that is dedicated to Palm Springs. There, viewers can see the wild features characteristic of the area’s scenery, from decorations to fashion to architecture and beyond.

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This unique installment is definitely consistent with what the photographer is showing off. It also presents a unique idea for what a mailbox should look like.

Or let nature come to it

Why not give people the chance to do some bird watching as they pass by? This does not offer the biggest transformation a mailbox can go through, but it’s tasteful and streamlined. The minimalist bird addition adds a nice decoration without being too distracting but also gives something noticeably pretty to look at.

The homeowner shared this with a message that comes from an emotional, relatable place. She wrote, “I miss spotting all the fun mail boxes on our daily bike rides.”

Design a house based on the very best dog house

For those wanting to dress up their home starting at the property line, look to the dog with the best house himself. Snoopy has been the beloved beagle companion of Charlie Brown since his debut in October 4, 1950. Today, his iconic red house could liven up a mailbox or two easily! It would also be a nice tribute to the late Lee Mendelson, who produced A Charlie Brown Christmas.

The best part about a mailbox like this is its universal appeal. Nostalgic adults and fun-loving kids will all appreciate this design.

Let the mailbox reflect the house… literally

No one will wonder what a far-back house looks like as they drove by a mailbox at the end of a long driveway. Is that important? Maybe. Is it creative and fun? Very!

The best part is that this offers a lot of room for creativity as others use the same idea for their home. The door could be where the garage would be. Gardens could add a flowery touch seen in other mailboxes on this list. And if the homeowners are planning an ambitious paint job, they can experiment first on this small, helpful model.

Mailboxes can be as beautiful as a garden

This mailbox could serve multiple purposes if someone ever needs to ride somewhere. But while sedentary, it offers a beautiful view and attracts colorful butterflies all while storing mail.

The individual who shared this image did so with the excited caption, “Flowers are planted. It’s now officially spring!” There’s no lock on the bike, though, so hopefully, no one decides to nab it. But the basket and base offers a lot of ways to utilize plantlife and make this piece yours!

Make sure everyone knows they’re not in Kansas anymore

For those who could use some whimsy and escape to a place far away, this Wizard of Oz decor might be the perfect way to brighten up the mailbox.

This is one example of how you can pay tribute to a fun, nostalgic part of what you love. Just think, if someone can make a mailbox base like this, what else is possible? There can be a lot of ways to honor all the beloved classics with some creativity and love.

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