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Couple’s Wedding Canceled Due To Coronavirus, So They Got Married At Drive-In Theater


Bri and Lindsey Leaverton recently had their wedding canceled due to the coronavirus, but they had another spontaneous plan so that it could happen. The two had planned to marry on April 10th in a historic hotel in Austin, TX, but obviously plans needed to change. “We had everything planned down to a tee,” says Lindsey. “We were supposed to get married on 4.10.20, Good Friday, because nothing says ‘Happy Easter’ like a good old lesbian wedding.”

Not only did the hotel institute a shelter-in-place policy, their guest list shrunk down to 50 and then 10 people. However, even though the coronavirus put a damper on original plans, they did not want to let the virus postpone their wedding indefinitely.


Bri and Lindsey got married at a drive-in theater after their original wedding plans are canceled

Bri and Lindsey Leaverton / Greg Fulks

So, their wedding planner decided to think of another creative idea. “Our wedding planner had this crazy idea: What if we did this at a drive-in movie theater? She said, ‘I feel like that suits you guys,’” Lindsey says. They were able to find a drive-in theater that was still open;  Doc’s Drive-In Theatre in nearby Buda, Texas. “We asked them, ‘How crazy would it be if we got married there?’ and they said ‘Absolutely,” Bri says.


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The theater was still open due to serving food for pickup as well, so they were considered an essential business to stay open. Despite the change in plans, their wedding guests were totally on board with the change. “They said, resoundingly, ‘This is so you, this is so Bri and Lindsey,’”  Lindsey recalls.

Guests came in their PJs to watch the ceremony from their cars

Bri and Lindsey Leaverton / Greg Fulks

There were about 85 cars in attendance and they all lined up to watch the wedding take place. “We asked everybody to come in their PJs, and to decorate their cars, so our straight friends were putting rainbows on their cars,” Lindsey says. They were even able to have their original wedding videographer come and help out. They were able to get the wedding live-streamed up on the big drive-in screens and also live-stream on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, for family/friends not in attendance.

The couple was able to have their original officiant there as well. Lindsey was able to walk down the ‘aisle’ with daughters Annabelle and Olivia and Bri was able to walk with her sister. However, everyone did remain 6 feet apart for social-distancing measures.

While it was a very unconventional day, they still made the best of it

Bri, Lindsey, and their daughters / Greg Fulks

The couple, unfortunately, had to do away with dinner, the bouquet toss, and more. But, they were able to serve popcorn and champagne by the servers working there wearing gloves and masks. They also couldn’t come in contact with any of their relatives, including their parents.

“It was crushing to not be able to hug my parents,” Lindsey says. “My dad’s my best friend. I’ve always dreamed of him walking me down the aisle, having the daddy-daughter dance. Having to air-hug him and my mom from the car was really, really hard, but at least they were there.” Every car stopped nearby after the festivities to congratulate the couple and wish them farewell. Looks like their wedding didn’t need to get canceled after all. It was definitely a wedding none of them will ever forget!

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