This is a reminder that something very simple can be worth money because of its rich history. On Antiques Roadshow, a label from a tin of peaches came up. The owner framed the peach label because they thought it was so beautiful, but it turns out it also had an interesting history too.
The label shown was from Laura Brand Lemon Cling Peaches. It has beautiful lettering and print. However, when examined, the back of the label was really full of history. Turns out that can had been part of a shipment to American soldiers in World War I.
Peach label from WWI has an interesting history
On the back of the label, a soldier actually wrote a letter on it, written to the people who made and shipped the peaches. Part of the letter read, “They tasted so good I felt it my duty to congratulate you and your firm for putting such goods within our reach. Believe me, they are worth fighting for, your friend Eddie.”
RELATED: Everyday Items That Were Designed Originally For WWI
On the front of the label, it also says, “Sept 22, 1918, From No Man’s Land, France. Ed Martens. Censored Lt. P.E. Walker 4th inf.” The label was appraised for its design, but also the fact that it included a hand-written letter from a soldier in 1918! On the show, it was said that it could sell for around $550-600.
Watch the entire segment below: