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Josh Brolin Apologizes For Visiting Father James And Barbra Streisand During Lockdown


Actor Josh Brolin has apologized for going to visit his father James and stepmother Barbra Streisand during coronavirus lockdown. In a now-deleted social post, Josh had photographed himself wearing a mask while visiting his dad and stepmother long with his wife, Kathryn, and one-year-old daughter. He captioned the photo, “There’s nothing like a good meeting up with family when all you can hear is a distant muffling of what used to be called words.”

However, the photo was met with criticism and Josh took to Instagram to upload an apology video. “My father lives next door to us, and we had a plan to go see them and not be near them and that plan was broken and that’s our responsibility … I think it was irresponsible.” Streisand also posted a string of photos to Instagram, showing Josh’s wife holding a sign that says “We love you, Gamma & Grampa.”


Josh Brolin admits he was wrong to visit his father and stepmother during the coronavirus lockdown


Josh continues in his apology video, “You know, it’s hard to be honest sometimes … and say, ‘Maybe I screwed up’ … The responses brought me back to my own truth and it’s humbling as hell, man.”

RELATED: An Inside Look At Barbra Streisand’s 21-Year-Long Marriage To James Brolin

“I know there’s some people out there that [have] no masks, no gloves, no interest in it. They think it’s in your head, that you’ll survive because of immunity that’s created from your own psychic weight. I do feel responsible to my fellow man, period … I am not an advocate of anything outside of taking care of each other and making sure we get through this, even if we go overboard.”

A majority of fans believe he wasn’t in the wrong

James Brolin and Barbra Streisand / Instagram

Fans have been responding to the video. One person defends him, saying, “Everyone knows, when you say you have the deepest respect for fellow man, it’s the Gods honest truth. Your actions, and there are hundreds of examples we have all witnessed, attest to that. You think you made a mistake. We all have. This is new to everyone and we are all a work in progress.”

Another writes, “Takes a man good to the core to admit when he is wrong. Personally I think going next door knowing the context now is not as dangerous as made out, but still should be considered. People love to take a shot at those luckier in tough times. Stay safe, take care.”

Watch Josh’s full apology video below:

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