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Ozzy Osbourne Says Not Being Able To Hug His Daughter Right Now ‘Breaks His Heart’


During this time, health experts have said it is imperative that those who are elderly or immunocompromised should not have any contact with others. This includes their own children and grandchildren, as they could be asymptomatic, meaning they are a silent carrier of the coronavirus. Ozzy Osbourne is one of these people who need to stay home and he says that it’s been really difficult to not be able to hug his daughter, Kelly Osbourne.

Kelly recently posted a heartfelt picture to Instagram, showing she and her parents practicing social distancing. They are all wearing masks and gloves while sitting at opposite ends near their backyard pool.


Ozzy Osbourne can’t hug his daughter and it’s hurting the whole family

The Osbourne family / Instagram

“Today was the first time I got to see my parents in almost 3 weeks!!! Even though I did not get to hug them…. at this point I will take what I can get,” Kelly writes in the caption. “They are doing well and are safe and sound for now. Thank you so much for your continued well wishes love and support. We will get through this together. I love you all 💜 stay safe.”


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Kelly uploaded two photos to her Instagram. One of them sitting by the pool, and another featuring a heartbreaking text from dad Ozzy. He texts to his daughter, “It was so lovely seeing you today.  Toddles it breaks my heart that I couldn’t give you a kiss and a hug.”

Practicing social distancing now so we can reconnect later

Text from Ozzy to Kelly / Instagram

Earlier on, Kelly participated in the #StayHome social media trend. In the hashtag, people are urging others to stay home, specifically for someone that they know is high-risk. Kelly jazzed it up a bit with the hashtag #StayHomeForOzzy. She posted a photo dressed up like him, holding a paper that said the hashtag on it.

“Both of my parents are high risk, especially my dad. If I would have known 3 weeks ago when I sent them off to Panama that that was gonna be the last time I got to hug and kiss them for a while… I would have held on a little longer,” Kelly writes on Instagram. “However these are the sacrifices we must make. I stay home for my mum and dad. If you don’t have anyone to stay home for I beg you #StayHomeForOzzy.”

Stay Home For Ozzy / Instagram

We hope this blows over soon so all parents can hug their children and grandchildren again!

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