Here Is The List Of More Sears And Kmart Stores Closing This February 2020
Photo Credit: Canva
More Sears and Kmart stores are going to close this February 2020.
As the retail apocalypse rages on, many more stores are closing by the week, so it seems.
A full list of store closing for both Sears and Kmart are available here.
The retail apocalypse continues to consume a number of different retailers throughout the globe. One by one we continue to see more stores closing their doors for good. Sadly, we have to report that more Sears and Kmart stores will be closing in February 2020. Parent company Transformco spokesman Larry Costello confirms this news, saying they plan to close 51 Sears and 45 Kmart stores.
The company Transformco acquired Sears and Kmart stores out of bankruptcy in 2019. “We will continue to evaluate our Sears and Kmart footprint, consistent with our overall retail and service strategy,” their official statement says. So far, Sears has closed more than 3,500 stores and cut 250,000 jobs in the last 15 years.
Sears and Kmart stores to close
Sears / AP Photo/Steven Senne
Included below are the Sears and Kmart stores that will be closing in February 2020, provided by USA Today.