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More And More Brides Prefer Smaller Engagement Rings


Marriage proposals come with all sorts of feelings of anticipation. The one proposing has to plan the day just right. Then there’s that moment of suspense while awaiting an answer. And throughout all that is the big reveal. What does the engagement ring look like? What band and stone shall symbolize the couple’s eternal love and captivate the wearer for all time?

Elaborate stones and intricate patterns are always dazzling to see. But beauty is also in the eye of the beholder. Some women received engagement rings that might be considered smaller. This smallness references the ring’s simpler design, a tiny stone, band thinness, or overall unassuming look. But while some have tried to dismiss these women’s rings, they defended their symbolic jewelry as the only thing they’d ever want. Their reasoning is pretty impactful.


At the end of the day, engagement rings can be small and symbolize big things

Emily A. believes a simpler band free of exploitative labor represents the couple's values betterEmily A. believes a simpler band free of exploitative labor represents the couple's values better
Emily A. believes a simpler band free of exploitative labor represents the couple’s values better / Emily A. on Huffpost

Several future – and now current – brides often remind critics what an engagement ring is supposed to do. This perfect circle symbolizes an eternal love and unending devotion. If a future spouse clearly felt strongly enough about them to propose marriage, all the right ingredients are there for a happy life together.


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That’s not to say the proposer can’t express the extent of his love through visual means. Many do go this route. Unfortunately, while some women face scrutiny for having small engagement rings, others got critiqued for having rings with large stones. This happened to an Instagram personality recently, when she received shaming comments about her ring.

Engagement rings can be small AND pretty

Bridgit Morehouse recommends brides pursue what makes them happiest without caring about judgment / Bridgit Morehouse on HuffPost

“What a rock!” you might hear someone exclaim when seeing a ring with a large stone. Gems can catch the eye with vibrant colors or multiple facets that create a glittering spectrum. But such traits are not the only ways for wedding rings to be pretty. HuffPost amassed testimonials by some lucky brides and among them is Emily T. who can confirm rings don’t need big gems to be pretty.

“I’ve never been drawn to flashy jewelry in the first place,” she admitted. “My fiancé picked my ring out all on his own, and I’m in love. It’s the perfect balance of dainty and sparkle. Beautiful, delicate, and perfect for me.”

Functionality is another important factor

Emily T. prefers small engagement rings because of her job / Emily T. on Huffpost

While it may be fun to look down and see a sparkling diamond the size of a thumbnail, that comes with some drawbacks. Going back to Emily, we’re reminded that it’s important to be comfortable using that hand still when going through the day. “I’m a sign language interpreter, so I can’t wear anything too gaudy or distracting,” she explained. Whether for adults or children, at work or in classrooms, she must be mindful. In fact, teachers, in general, must be mindful of keeping their students focused so they can learn, so any instructor would have a hard time pointing to important equations or maps with a heavy stone weighing them down and shining in people’s eyes.

This is also especially important when lessons must be customized based on the students. Emily has to be aware and have those she interprets for stay aware of her signing. Her work, like some adapted equipment and lessons, must cater to specific needs in her environment.

There are many other things to spend that money on

Some couples prefer focusing their finances on furthering their education /

Small engagement rings generally come with smaller price tags. While there is nothing wrong with wanting to financially splurge on such a big day, many women find it more important to save for other things. On HuffPost, Nicole expressed her appreciation for her 5-millimeter moissanite ring because of its smaller price.

“When we got engaged, I was in graduate school, and my now-husband and I were on a limited budget. I didn’t want to spend a significant percentage of our low income on an engagement ring, so going with a smaller non-diamond ring was the right choice for us,” she explained.

Small, unique engagement rings help them stand out

Engagement rings can be small and still symbolize a lot / Sarah on HuffPost

After a while, some of these women find big, flashy diamond rings to all look the same. Instead, people like Sarah wear a ring with no gem. The band itself says everything she, her husband, and viewers need to know. “I think the symbolism is pretty straightforward without being too cheesy. I mean, I tied the knot, so a knot ring was pretty appropriate,” she said of her thin gold band that forms a knot in the middle.

Not everyone who saw her ring agreed with Sarah. “I received a couple comments about the band being ‘too thin,’ which is no one’s problem but mine if it breaks. However, the comment that irks me the most is when people say, ‘It’s so different’ in an endearing but clearly condescending tone,” she said. Sarah took that trait as something to be proud of, though. “I don’t want what everyone else has. It’s uniquely me.” Bridgit Morehouse shares this sentiment, stating, “My inner rebel to society took over me as I began to research engagement rings.” To all future brides, she recommends, “Do what you feel is right for you and ignore everyone else’s opinions.”

They can wear personal pieces of family history

Linday L. wears a ring not from an expensive jeweler but from a beloved family member / Lindsay L. on Huffpost

Not all rings come from the store. Some are passed down and stay within a family line. Those heirlooms might not be the most sizable pieces of jewelry, but they carry a lot of personal importance. Lindsay L. wears a ring passed down from her husband’s maternal grandmother. That woman wore her ring for some 60 years. Perhaps some of that fortune remains in the band and will guide Lindsay and her husband.

“I would never consider trading it in or ‘upgrading,'” Lindsay assured, contrary to what skeptics advise brides such as her. Others such as Autumn D. wear precious family jewelry as enduring testaments to those who came before. After her partner’s mother passed away, everyone felt heartbroken. Autumn had won over her future in-laws, and so they had no problem with her wearing the late matriarch’s old ring. That small wedding ring holds a lot of meaning, including the powerful assurance that comes with getting along so well with the in-laws.

Bigger isn’t always better / Engagement Rings – LoveToKnow

RELATED: Bride-To-Be Admits She Cried When Fiancé Proposed To Her With The ‘Ugliest Engagement Ring’

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