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102-Year-Old WWII Veteran Says His Secret To Longevity Is One Can Of Beer A Day


102-year-old Andrew E. Slavonic, who is also a WWII veteran, says that his secret to a long life is drinking one can of beer a day. Andrew served as a gunner on both the B24 Liberator and the B17 Flying Fortress during WWII. He celebrated his 102nd birthday on December 1st and drinks a Coors Light every day at 4 p.m. He says that this is his secret to how he was able to live such a long life.

Bob Slavonic, Andrew’s son, talks to Fox News about his father. “In 1996, he actually started drinking regular Coors beer. He switched to Coors Light beer about 15 years ago. I think I am the one to blame for the switch because that is all that I have been drinking for about the past 25 years.”

Andrew Slavonic / Courtesy of Bob Slavonic

In addition to drinking one can of beer a day, his longevity could also be partly because he has refused to let go of his independence. According to his son, Bob, Andrew had been still mowing his own lawn and shoveled snow up until about two years ago. He really does not want the help and insists on doing things on his own!


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Andrew and his family / Courtesy of Bob Slavonic

According to Country Rebel, there might actually be some health benefits associated with beer. Beer allegedly contains combinations of ingredients that include antioxidants, calcium, potassium, zinc, fluoride, and more. The alcoholic beverage is also said to relieve digestive stress, in addition to carrying anti-anxiety and anti-inflammatory properties.

But wait, there’s more! Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones have even sung beer’s praises. The actress swears that conditioning her hair with beer is the thing she swears by. “I do condition my hair with honey and beer,” she tells Daily Mail in 2009. “I smell like the bottom of a beer barrel for days afterwards but it’s very good for the hair.”

Coors light / Craft Brewing Business

Of course, the benefits of drinking beer only occur if you drink it in moderation. It’s no different for the health benefits of red wine! Healthline suggests that men older than 65 and women consume just one 12 oz. beer a day. Sounds like Mr. Slavonic has the right idea!

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