5. A Clever Grip
If you’ve ever had the issue of where to put your phone while using it in the car for directions, this gadget solves it. It mounts to your car’s air vent. It then keeps your phone in place while you drive so you can easily look at directions or make a phone call safely.
Click here to purchase on Amazon.
6. A True Touch
If you have pets that shed and hate getting brushed, A True Touch can help. It looks just like a glove but has bristles that collect your pet’s hair when you pet them. Pets generally like this better and it still removes all that extra hair
Click here to purchase on Amazon.
7. The Shark Steam Mop
The Shark Steam Mop is an easy way to clean and sanitize all of the floors in your home. It uses steam to clean and sanitize all at once.
Click here to purchase on Amazon.
8. The ‘Ove’ Glove
‘Ove’ Glove is used for the oven and grill. It can withstand heat up to 540 degrees Fahrenheit which means you’ll never get burned again while cooking!
Click here to purchase on Amazon.
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