95-year-old former President Jimmy Carter is one tough cookie. He fell at his Georgia home on Sunday and received 14 stitches and had a black eye. Hours after receiving treatment, he traveled to Nashville to speak at an event for Habitat for Humanity. The very next day, he was seen building homes for the organization.
Jimmy and his wife Rosalynn have been very involved with Habitat for Humanity for decades. This week, they are working with other volunteers on new homes in Nashville. The 21 new homes are part of the 36th Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Work Project with Habitat for Humanity. It seems even an injury will not slow him down when it comes to helping others.
The former President seemed in good spirits as he worked
In addition, his left eye was partially covered with a bandage and you could visibly see the swelling and bruising near his eye on Sunday. He wore an Atlanta Braves baseball hat. Even after suffering from a fall, he seemed to be in good spirits, joking with the audience, for instance.
He did address his fall with the audience. According to CNN, he said, “I fell down and hit my forehead on a sharp edge and had to go to the hospital. And they took 14 stitches in my forehead and my eye is black, as you’ve noticed. But I had a No. 1 priority and that was to come to Nashville and build houses.”
The Carter Work Project raised funds that will build 12 more single-family homes and 26 new townhomes by Habitat for Humanity by 2021. Jimmy and Rosalynn have been volunteering for 35 years, building homes in the United States and 14 other countries.
In conclusion, we hope Jimmy recovers fully soon! Check out a video of the Carters working on homes in Nashville to learn more on his fall and his work for Habitat for Humanity, for instance: