Categories: Stories

Man Gets Tons Of Job Offers After Handing Out Resume By Side Of Road


Patrick Hoagland was down on his luck. He got laid off from his job and was having trouble finding a new one. Instead of standing at the corner asking for cash or food, he had a new idea. He decided to hand out resumes by the side of the road. He was looking for a forklift operator gig after getting laid off by a metal recycling company in Phoenix.

As luck would have it, he started receiving hundreds of job offers! He was actually handing out lots of resumes per day. At first, he felt kind of silly. He was trying to get jobs by applying online and calling places, but nothing was working. He figured passing out resumes couldn’t hurt.


Learn what happened next when Patrick handed out resumes in the hot Arizona weather

Patrick Hoagland / Twitter

Not only that, but it was over 100 degrees in Arizona when he was standing outside with his resumes! A woman named Melissa DiGianfilippo saw Patrick while driving and was very impressed. She owns a marketing and PR agency.


While she didn’t have any jobs for Patrick’s expertise, she decided to post his resume on her social media pages to help him out.

Patrick Hoagland resume / Twitter

Patrick started to receive thousands of messages, some wanting to hire him and others from nice people just wishing him luck! Both Patrick and Melissa were both amazed by all of the messages.

According to CNN, Mellisa said, “I am so amazed by how many people re-shared the post because they really wanted to be a part of a positive story.”

Patrick / Facebook

Now, Patrick works at Flatline Concrete Grinding. He also made a friend in Melissa. The two keep in touch and keep up to date on how the journey is going. Patrick said he is so thankful for Melissa who shared his resume, which got him so much more exposure.

He said, “She has been so great, she didn’t need to help me, but she did and it has changed my life. I am so grateful for her.”

What do you think about Patrick’s idea to hand out resumes by the side of the road? Are you happy that he found another job so quickly? It is a very heartwarming tale! Learn more about Patrick’s story here:

Are you looking for a new job?

Wayfair is hiring dozens of work-from-home jobs right now! Learn how to apply here.

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